Things Need To Know Before Learning Flutter

Priyanshu Patel
3 min readSep 7, 2022


About This Article:

This article is about the flutter development toolkit which is developed by google. you should read this if you need the basic understanding of what you are getting into. flutter is an amazing framework and this article is what i think about it and my opinions.

Enjoy the read!

What is Flutter?

Flutter is a UI development kit which is developed and maintained by google. it uses Dart as a programming language which is strongly typed language.

Flutter became this popular because it solves the great problem. In native app development you need to use different tools and language for two main platforms(android and IOS).

android uses java/kotlin and android studio and IOS uses Xcode and Swift.

But with flutter you won’t be needing two different code base. using flutter you can build app for both IOS and android with single Code base. and that’s why it is loved by the programmers and solves the problem of maintaining two different code bases and here you just have one.

How Flutter works?

So this article is just for basic understanding we are not going to go deep in technicality. here we will see very basically that how it compiles our code.

So language used in flutter is Dart and Dart is just great you’re gonna love to program in dart.

So the code you have written in dart compiles and generates native code for IOS and android which then used to run the application.

In flutter you create a widget tree for your UI. if you know html/css and little web development this is little familiar. well it not exactly or at all same but you can understand it as if you wanna create a little form then this is how you will create a widget tree for it.

Material App -> Column -> Container 1-> Text 1, Text 2 -> Container 2 ->Button

So once you get to some practice and do little projects you will get the hang of how to create a widget trees and build effective UI for your App.

Where can Flutter be used?

When the Flutter launched it was mostly used for prototyping or small apps But now days after new updates the Flutter has become a powerful tool. it can be used for any level of app development and now used for enterprise apps.

Famous App build using flutter: BMW, Dream 11, Tencent, Gpay, Alibaba Group, CrowdSource.

Flutter can also be used to build Desktop applications, web applications using Dart but they are not used as much Main focus of Flutter is cross-platform app development

Should you learn Flutter?

Well now the Question is Should you learn it?

It depends on your goals:

> If you are planning to work as freelancer then flutter is a great choice you can get many clients if you have the talent.

> Maybe you want to build your own startup or test some idea with real users then it also a great choice you can build your prototype or full scale application with single code base and distribute your app on App Store and Play Store.

> If you are looking for job well most service based companies are gonna hire these developers with well pay. If you are looking for product base companies most of them use their internal frameworks but still some might hire the flutter developers (mostly startups).

if your goals include any of these then flutter might be great choice for you and even if you haven’t decided what you are gonna do well learning anything won’t go waste.

Free Resources to Learn

Well here are some free resources to get your started.

Don’t spend money on course right away. see some free tutorials and make little apps and see you enjoy the process it is most important part

(starting out):

(try making this):

(free youtube course):

(try this widgets and make projects):

Now you can find many tutorials and codelabs online just build stuff that’s the best way to learn.

No BS and simple roadmap to learn flutter:

Dart (Till OOPs concepts)→Flutter Basics →Project App 1 →Flutter Intermediate →Project App 2 →Flutter (animations, Firebase, advanced Concepts) →Big Projects →you are flutter developer

Hope you enjoyed this. and maybe it helped you! thanks for your time.



Priyanshu Patel

Computer Engineering student, Trying to change my life, Future millionaire, Love books, gym guy